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ChatGPT Yoast SEO Genius Prompt – Fix errors, Create Article per guidelines


ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization can do miracles to your work if you utilize it well, instead of just writing use best SEO practices. In our previous article we have already briefly explained how our ChatGPT SEO prompt works and now we will dive deeper into it to examine its full functionality.

Lets dive in together so you can learn from us how we hack the game,

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Table of Contents




What is Yoast and its purpose?

The Yoast plugin is a popular SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugin for WordPress websites. Yoast helps website owners optimize their content for search engines, with a focus on improving organic traffic and increasing their visibility in search engine results.


The Yoast plugin provides various features and tools to assist with on-page SEO. Some of its key features include:

  1. Content analysis: Yoast analyzes the content of each page or post and provides suggestions for improving SEO elements such as keyword usage, readability, meta tags, and more.
  2. Readability analysis: The plugin checks the readability of your content, ensuring that it is easy to understand for your audience.
  3. SEO analysis: Yoast evaluates the SEO-friendliness of your content, considering factors like keyword usage, internal and external linking, meta tags, and headings.
  4. XML sitemap generation: The plugin generates XML sitemaps, which help search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently.
  5. Social media integration: Yoast allows you to optimize your content for social media platforms by providing options to set custom titles, descriptions, and images when your content is shared.
  6. Redirect manager: You can easily set up redirects for outdated or removed content, ensuring that visitors are directed to relevant pages and avoiding broken links.
  7. Breadcrumb navigation: Yoast enables the creation of breadcrumb navigation, which enhances user experience and helps search engines understand the structure of your website.


As you can see this plugin is created for WP to help you optimize SEO and rank up, and here we use it a lot as this is probably one of the best you will need to rank up.




Exploring ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization and its Key Advantages

ChatGPT Prompt offers a multitude of benefits that elevate the effectiveness of SEO content creation. You can leverage its capabilities and users can experience the following advantages:



Utilizing ChatGPT Prompt to Elevate the SEO Value of Your Content

ChatGPT Prompt assists in optimizing your content for search engines, ensuring that it aligns with best practices and guidelines. By analyzing the content and providing intelligent suggestions, ChatGPT Prompt helps improve keyword usage, meta tags, headings, and other essential SEO elements.




Leveraging AI Capabilities to Optimize Keyword Usage and Placement

With ChatGPT Prompt, you can harness the power of AI to identify relevant keywords and strategically incorporate them into your content. The tool provides insights on keyword density, placement, and variations to enhance the overall SEO impact of your articles, blog posts, or website content.




Maximizing Readability and Engaging Readers with ChatGPT Prompt

Content readability plays a crucial role in user engagement and search engine rankings. ChatGPT Prompt evaluates the readability of your content and offers suggestions to improve sentence structure, paragraph length, and the use of transition words. By enhancing readability, you can captivate readers and increase the time they spend on your website.




Optimizing Meta Tags, Headings, and Internal Linking for Improved SEO Performance

ChatGPT Prompt helps optimize crucial SEO elements such as meta tags, headings, and internal linking. It provides recommendations on creating descriptive meta titles and meta descriptions that grab the attention of search engine users. Additionally, the tool offers guidance on structuring headings and implementing internal links to improve website navigation and search engine crawlability.







How ChatGPT Prompt for SEO content optimization Streamlines the Content Optimization Process

ChatGPT Prompt streamlines the content optimization process by providing an efficient workflow and valuable insights at every stage. It simplifies tasks such as keyword research, topic selection, and meta tag optimization, allowing users to focus on creating high-quality content while adhering to SEO best practices.




Case Study: Yoast SEO Genius ChatGPT prompt Article rewriter/generator AI prompt

Yoast GENIUS - ChatGPT Title, description, slug SEO prompt
Yoast GENIUS – ChatGPT Title, description, slug SEO prompt














We will start straight away with our prompt. As you can see on the image this prompt is very long and very detailed. Its created by targeting all Yoast guidelines and executing them in one single click to minimize your editing efforts.

On the image you will see green colored words, and they represent most important tasks in prompt and are governing whole output. Green fields are also created by examining carefully Yoast SEO plugin guidelines and inputting them in the ChatGPT task.




ChatGPT prompt task: determine main topic and subject of article 

If you are wondering what’s point of this task, i can only tell you it is part of prompt that makes ChatGPT learn about your competitor article or yours article. With this task AI is tasked to learn whole article and its subject/context. If we tell him simply “learn” he wont be well instructed as “Learn” can have many types how it will learn. Our goal when we are writing article with ChatGPT should always be on subject and context.

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: Determine main topic or subject:

Determine the main topic or subject of article





ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization: Why is subject and context important?

Simply put, if you miss subject your article will be all around, untargeted and with lack of goal and it will lead to wasted time or high bouncing rate. Purpose of context writing is to provide relevant information and background details to help readers understand the subject matter more effectively. Contextual information sets the stage for the article by offering essential details, such as the historical background, previous research, current events, or any other relevant information that helps frame the topic or issue being discussed.






Conclusion about subject an context when writing

As you can see, now when we know about subject purpose and context we can continue forward with writing masterpiece article for our readers to provide them with our skill and knowledge and eventually position ourselves as authority, and for ChatGPT subject and context will give it way how to create our article so it can output meaningful content to our readers instead of nonsense many create with GPT.






What is ChatGPT target language input?

The target language in the prompt refers to the language in which the response is expected to be written. So when we are using [TARGETLANGUAGE] here we are instructing ChatGPT to input our preferred language and write content for us.


ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: write in specific language :








ChatGPT Prompt for SEO content optimization: Research and identify keywords task in SEO prompt

Well we wont dive here deep as this is pretty much self explanatory. Part of this full task deals with determining our keywords and key phrases we used while we write or our competitor. This will help ChatGPT match right keywords with context and subject and later on generate headings and many more when we instruct it to do so.




Why we instructed ChatGPT to find key phrase in prompt ?

When we take a look at Yoast Key phrase guidelines we can see its of great importance.
When you incorporate relevant key phrases into your website’s content, it helps search engines understand what your page is about and improves the chances of your website appearing in search results when someone searches for those specific terms. By targeting the right key phrases, we can attract more organic traffic to our websites. So yes we need this in our ChatGPT SEO prompt.


ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization: Research and identify keywords, topic, focus key phrase :

Research and identify the keywords related to your topic. Based on the keywords and topic, determine a focus SEO key phrase for your article and display it on start.

Here we also want to display learned key phrase before writing article as later on we will need key phrase to match it in our Title, Description, Slug and across all headings in created article.


Why we must match key phrase? 

Matching the keyphrase across various elements of your content, such as the article, SEO title, slug (URL), and meta description, is beneficial for SEO for several reasons:

  1. Relevance: When you use the key phrase consistently across different elements of your content, it signals to search engines that your content is highly relevant to that particular topic. This increases the chances of your page being ranked higher in search engine results when users search for that key phrase.
  2. User Expectations: When a user performs a search and sees the key phrase they used reflected in the search results, it helps create a sense of relevance and familiarity. Matching the key phrase in the SEO title, slug, and meta description assures the user that your content is directly related to their query, increasing the likelihood of them clicking on your page.
  3. Click-through Rate (CTR): By matching the key phrase in the SEO title, slug, and meta description, you can improve the click-through rate of your search listings. When users see the key phrase prominently displayed in the search results, it grabs their attention and increases the likelihood of them clicking on your link over others.
  4. Consistency and Coherence: Using the key phrase consistently across different elements of your content helps create a cohesive and coherent user experience. When users land on your page after clicking on a search result, they expect to see content that directly relates to the key phrase they used. Consistency in your content’s messaging reinforces this connection and improves user satisfaction.
  5. Search Engine Understanding: Search engines rely on various signals to understand the relevance and intent of web pages. When they see the key phrase in the SEO title, slug, and meta description, it provides additional context and reinforces the topic of your content. This helps search engines better understand and categorize your page, potentially leading to improved rankings.





Instructing ChatGPT with prompt to use learned data

Now when we have determined main aspects of what will be used in this article, we can prompt GPT to use data AI examined and use it in every single aspect of our article we want to create and we are tasking him to skip article outline as we don’t need it here and jump straight to article generation. 

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: Use researched data:

Use the researched keywords and context of the topic to create article. Use this focus key phrase in headings.Do not generate article outline, skip article outline and write article.




ChatGPT Prompt for SEO content optimization Creating article structure ,heading control and manipulating learned data

In this part we want to control layout of our article as well as its SEO key phrase properties. So in order to do this you need to give it some SEO guidelines, and yes here we again use and reference Yoast SEO plugin guidelines. Take a better look how it manipulates data in GPT and assigns all our previous research instructions to appropriate headings tags to follow subject, context and stays on topic.

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: article structuring:

When generating article it must have more than 1600 words in total. Use the following rules for headings: H1: Title of the article – Use the most important key phrase from your list, along with the search intent or context, and a catchy sentence with click bait aim. Keep it less than 150 characters. H2: Context of the topic title – Use the most important keyword and the context of the topic. Keep it less than 150 characters. H3: Short point of the topic – Use key points of text context or bullet points.


Following Yoast Readability Guidelines to enhance user experience

First we want examined Yoast SEO guide to distribute headings evenly across article, dividing article in small digestible parts and afterwards we decided to improve readability by sticking to maximum 19 words in between headings.

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: readability – headings distribution and max words per paragraph.

Distribute subheadings every 300 words maximum. Keep sentence length under 19 words Important!!!


The role of command: IMPORTANT! in ChatGPT prompts.

Some of you, who have basic coding language are aware ChatGPT also recognizes this commands as priority and must abide by it, moving it up as must to do task or better to say must do print.
In css for example we use command: Important! when we want to make sure something is displayed and override other styles




ChatGPT Prompt for SEO content optimization: Using transition words to improve readability

Here we will reference Yoast SEO transition words guidelines which instruct us to use approx, 30% up to 33% max. This will keep user more engaged and by enhancing your article and its overall flow. To see exact reasons why we use it, you can learn more about it on up mentioned link.

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization Engineering task: Transition words in generated article.

Use transition words throughout the article, aiming for a minimum of 30% and maximum of 33% Important!!!




Yoast SEO active and passive voice

For simplicity lets say passive voice makes content wordy, less clear, creating confusion and losing context you want to transfer to your reader. Also sentence structure becomes more complex, making it hard to understand for persons facing this topic for the first time.

ChatGPT Prompt for SEO optimization: Engineering task, govern passive voice and use active instead.

Avoid using more than 9% of passive voice and use more active voice counterparts instead Important!!!.




So in the end context and subject are most important parts of article and when you are Engineering ChatGPT prompts for writing, SEO and copywriting. You need to instruct it well or you will face unorganized mess in your article.

Now you can avoid all errors with one single prompt, and in our next article we will cover yet another additional prompt we created to enhance SEO title, description and slug with Yoast Genius Title prompt. You can also find 99 best SEO prompts we have created and become expert in single click.

And in the end here is full ChatGPT Yoast SEO prompt:


Determine the main topic or subject of article in this article and write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Research and identify the keywords related to your topic. Based on the keywords and topic, determine a focus SEO key phrase for your article and display it on start. Use the researched keywords and context of the topic to create article. Use this focus key phrase in headings. Do not generate article outline, skip article outline and write article. When generating article it must have more than 1600 words in total. Use the following rules for headings: H1: Title of the article – Use the most important key phrase from your list, along with the search intent or context, and a catchy sentence with click bait aim. Keep it less than 150 characters. H2: Context of the topic title – Use the most important keyword and the context of the topic. Keep it less than 150 characters. H3: Short point of the topic – Use key points of text context or bullet points.

Create new Headings as per request for every new paragraph you will write and mark them in text you create with appropriate (H) and make text bold so user can distinguish them in your generated text. For readability purposes, follow these guidelines and comply with it fully, it must be done like this for total article or text you are creating: Distribute subheadings every 300 words maximum. Keep sentence length under 19 words Important!!!. Use transition words throughout the article, aiming for a minimum of 30% and maximum of 33% Important!!!. Avoid using more than 9% of passive voice and use more active voice counterparts instead Important!!!. Start creating your article using the outline and following these rules: Personality: Eager and authoritative. Tonality: Authoritative, expert, knowledgeable. Voice: Enthusiastic, inspiring, interesting. Writing Language: English. Use the researched keywords naturally throughout the article, as if it were written by a human. Comply fully with rules and guidelines and tasks issued by this prompt till here. Use users input in brackets [PROMPT]

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this article or its contents. This article is the intellectual property of its author and may not be duplicated or reused for commercial purposes without explicit permission. Any unauthorized duplication or reuse of this material is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

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